Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Being A Mainaholic

There are WoW players who have one main character that they play, and maybe one or two alternate characters (called "alts") that they dabble on now and then.

Then there are the ones who have one main character that they play, and an entire army of alts that are in various stages of leveling up... none ever actually reaching max level and usually being deleted so that another alt can be created. These people have what's referred to as Altitis, or are sometimes called Altaholics. They get their joy out of leveling. For them, that is the journey and the purpose of the game. End-game isn't a term they use much, and raiding is low on their list of priorities.

Then there's people like me.
I have two level 80 main characters. They both receive equal (and intensive) raiding time. I've max-leveled a toon for my husband. I've got 3 other characters roaming around Northrend in their 70's. I've got at least 6 other characters who are in their 60's, and an army of even more characters who are in various stages of leveling; anywhere from 40-60. I've given max-level toons of my own to close friends when they didn't have time to level a new toon themselves. I've raided with an entire host of characters who were all max-level at the time. Yes, I have more than one account. Yes, sometimes I multi-box, when I'm really bored, or when I get the urge to jump a few characters up to the next stage of leveling. For me, the leveling is simply a means to an end; my desire is to have a diverse assortment of raiding toons that I can choose from.

I am a Mainaholic.
Come along for the ride.

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